Sunday 18 January 2015

About YQ

YOUtopia Quest is all about YOU - you being the Person, the Individual, the Patient - as well as the healthcare provider and the pursuit of being the best we can be and the digital health technologies along with lifestyle choices in support of this quest.

 It's about the movement to personalized medicine and the journey to truly get to the stage of individualized, tailored healthcare utilizing lifestyle medicine, targeted therapy, digital health, mobile health, genomics, proteomics and  the microbiome.

About the Creator of YQ

Chris Ralph is a clinical pharmacist with advanced prescribing authority specializing in pain & symptom management, palliative and supportive care in oncology. On the executive for the Canadian Association of Pharmacy in Oncology (CAPhO), he is the Communications Officer/Chair of Communications Committee.  He is a pharmacist (and healthcare) futurist (yes, a digital health geek!), embarking on bringing disruptive (seamless) innovations/technologies to pharmacy practice (and to the practices of healthcare provider colleagues); assisting pharmacy practitioners and learners in using these in an efficient and secure way; and educating e-Patients about how to become equal partners with the caregivers. 

The era of digital health, mHealth, #HCSM (intersection of healthcare and social media) and #XMed (Exponential Medicine) are a focus as he continues to evolve this role.

With a passion for pain and symptom management and digital health, Chris has spoken at national and international conferences including CAPhO's Conference and International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioner's Symposium
He is also a guest lecturer at Memorial University of Newfoundland's School of Pharmacy as well as University of Alberta's Faculty of Pharmacy.

He is passionate about the global health issue of shortage of necessary pain medications in palliative care in developing nations. Through Stanford University's Mobile Health Without Borders course he has been working on a mHealth solution to help highlight and later resolve this disparity - check out Opioid-GPS (Global Pain Solace).

In his spare time, Chris enjoys hockey/sportswriting, music/guitar, (Slapdash Guitarist) travelling (Hopeful Wanderer), tennis, hiking, biking and skiing.

Join Chris in the YOUtopia Quest!
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